Adam Ciolkosz - The expropriation of a socialist party

A, delegation consistihg of comrade;,: :Aleksy Bien, Stani~ slaw Garlicki and Antoni Zdano~ski, lias been empowered to conduct - with the proper State authorlties - negotiation~ 1111dtalks aiming at the necessary co-ordination in connection with our undertaking of open political activities. · ~ygmunt Zulawski, Chairman. Cracow, October 2nd, 1945." The above-quoted Jetter to Mr. Osubka-Morawski was delh•ered to him by a delegation of sponsors of the PP.SD, composed of the three comrades named in zulawski's Jetter. Below are the minutes of the conversation which took plMe between the delegation and Mr. Osubka-Morawski. · 1 • "The Premier received the delegation on October 6th, 19~5, at 9-30 a. m. · · I The spokesman of the delegation declared at the outset: 'We have come to you, esteemed Comrade Premier, in order to infor1~ you that in view of tfie failure of the negatiatiom; afming nt unification which had been co.nducted in July, and on the s1rength of the articles 104 and 105 of the 1921 Constitution, as well as of the decisions of the Yalta Conference, later confirmed at Moscow consultations and at Potsdam - the Underground Group of the P~lish Socialist Party has decided to come into the open and to start legal activities under the name of the p'olish fSocial~Democratic Party and under the leadership of Comritde 7,ygmunt .Zulawski from whom we have the honour to delive\' 'ton a letter." Premier: "Does the letter concern this matter?" The spokesman of the delegation : ''Yes.'' Premier: "I am· not going to accept it. I declare that you ' 'will be treated on a par with the National Armed Forces." The meaning' of this further utterances was as follows: The activities of the WRN were harmful which is borne out by the abundant. underground literature edited'by the WRN during the war .. In reply to the delegation's statement that it does not represent the WR.N but the Polish Social-Democratic· Party just r.nnounced by Zulawski ... that it is unthinkable to· treat a man !ike Zulawski as a Fascist - the Premier declared that Zulawski may be whatever he likes but the whole group is the WRN and the Government will never allow its activities. In reply to the delegation's statement that this sort of policy is a blow aimed at a group including - as the Premier is :nvare - honest Socialists, - the Premier answered that honest Socialists ~re members of the Polish Socialist Party and as to those who still do not belong' to it, they can even now apply for membership. · · Replying to the objection that the Premier qualifies the entire group in a· one-sided way and denies its right to political existence, that this is contrary to the principles of political freedom and democracy, which - afte~ all - involve resp~ct BibliotecaGino Bianco