Adam Ciolkosz - The expropriation of a socialist party

i~ ihaking off Communists coutrol and finally was compelled tc ~l~Spend the activities of his, party. Zulawski, left with no reply from the "official" Pa1·ty and l~ter informed of their refusal to ratify the agreed conditions qf' a merger, faced with the approaching date set down by the G-overnment authorities for all. the underground organisations to reveal themselves (September 21st, 1945), decided to ,reveal the authentic PPS leaders and to resume their open political :icti".ities• He decided, however, to adopt a different nam·e, that of "Polish Social-Democratic Party" in avoid any conf~si.on which might arise between the PPS and the Party led b~· Mr. Osubka.-Morawski. To thi;;; end zulawski addressed ·the following two letters to Mr. Bierut and Mr: Osubka-Morawski. "M1-. Boleslaw Bierut, President of the National Council of \he Homeland. • I not conceal for a moment that the Polish Socialist Party which I have represented for years is an entir.ely different organizations from the one represented by C'omrade Stanislaw 8zwalbe and Comrade Premier <Dsubka-Morawski. From the very beginning' I considered it necessary to unite these two organisations and we.have laid down conditions of such a unification which were to be ratified by both bodies. Up till now I have had no official notification as to this problem of unifica-. tio~ and co-operation, and, at the same time, the dat~ of September 21st is a.pproaching, whi_chdate has been set for all organizations to "come into the open" and to adapt their acti- ,,ities, to the existing rules. 'l'herefore, in view of the time limit, I notify you for formal reasons of the existence of our organ.isation and I declare that i~ intends to avail itself to the .full of the political rights which have been granted it at Yalta a£ one of the "anti-Nazi" parties, - obviously depending on the ratification or non-ratification of the agreement between .!he t'wo parties in question, of July 1945. · (-) Zygmunt Zulawski Chairman, Polish Bocialist Party, Myslenice, September 18th, 1945 ". "The Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, :Mr. Edward Osubka-Morawski, "rrarsaw. Following my letter to the President of the National Council of the Homeland of Septembe~ 18th, 1945, (herewith inform you that in view of my having been notified of the repudiation by the Central' Executive Committee of tpe Polish Socialist Party of the ratification of the agreement between our two organisations conce·rning their unification, we have decided to undertake political activities of our own, under the name of Polish Social~Democratic Party. BibhotecaGino Bianco