Adam Ciolkosz - The expropriation of a socialist party

... 15th, 1943, later confirmed and elaborated -several times, long before the Lublin Comm.ittee ;published itrs manifesto li.n Jnly 1944. 'The authentic PPS solemnly decla~·es that it stands for friendly relations between Poland and the Soviet Union, but it does not wish to be isolated from the Western Democracies and ti1e democratic Socia1ism,of which the PPS is the traditional expression in Poland, and firmly demands for ihe Polish Nation the freedom of shaping its way of life according to its own wil~ and needs. Standing firmly for a genuine independence of Pol~nd, the authentic PPS demands such political and territorial· conditions as to secure the free development of the Polish proletariat and the whole Polish Nation, whose unimpeachable contribution to the war against Fascism and Hitlerism and to the "\·ictory over the Axis Powers is wideJy known and recognised. PUBLICATIONS OF THE POLISIJ SO~IALIST ALLIENCE 29 East 7th Street, Ne,:vYork 3, N. Y. On Polish) Feliks Gross ' HumanisticSocialism (Socjalizm Humanistyczny) PRICE 1 DOLLAR POLAND FIGHTS 50 Broad :Street, New ~ork 4, N. Y. Phone HA. 2-5726 006356 Permit No. 113( U. S. POSTAGE Paid Sec. 562 P.L.&R. New York, N. Y. FonctaztorieAlfr~d Lewn Biblioteca Gino Bianco Biblioteca Gino Bianco