Adam Ciolkosz - The expropriation of a socialist party

The authentic PPS-recognises the necessity of a democratic "N'ational Unity" in this difficult period of reconstruction of Poland after ruin and destruc.tion. The authentic PPS, however, i!oes -not-see any reason why democratic parties should have to be ':licensed" or why general elections should be turned into a farce on the pattern of the elections to the Nazi 1Reichstag. The authentic PPS recognises that the Communists should have·equal rights with all the other parti~s in Poland. But they do -not recognise the necessity either of a merger with the Communists or of such a close collaboration with them as is being advocated. to-day by the "official" PPS, under the threat of l'xpulsion from the ..Pa:rty of these who endanger the "purity of the Party" ('Szwalbe's arti'cJe in the "Robotnik" of February Gtb, 1946).. It m·ust. oe added, that this '.' collaboration" practically. means the subordination of the "offici'al" PPS to the . PPR a11d an arrangement under which the PPS would have to pull all the PPR chestnuts out of the fire. The· authentic PPS wis'hes to base great· economic, social• and political changes in Poland - in accordance with its prog-rainme passed by the Congress of Radom on February 2nd, 1937 - on the only lasting foundation: the will of the majority c,f.the nation, the will of the working masses in town and country. This ,foundatio1{ cannot be r~placed by a rule of terr'or by an insignificant minority, - on the contrary, such a rule threatens for the future only violent shocks and paroxysms of re-_ action. Two main demands of the authentic PPS .What 1'he authent'ic PPS asks for, is: - · a) holding of free and unfettered parliamentary elections,· t,ased on m1i-versa.l,secret, equal, direct and proportional ·suffrage; no single electoral bloc, transforming elections into mere voting, b) to this end liquidation of the police system, ·and, above P.ll, the securing for the politiool, industrial, co-opera~ive and educational branches of the Labour Movement, freedom of association, meetings, speech and Press, without which any elections would be just a mockery; freedom of existence and activity for the authentic Movement of democratic Socialism; internal 11emocracy within the Trade Union, Co-operative and other like movements. These are two demands in which the authentic PPS counts on the support of the whole Internati<lnal Socia.list Movement . .It must be emphatically stressed that the attitude of the n~thentic PPS to the present Polish regime has nothing in common with the opposition of the Right Wing groupings. Already ·nnder the German occupation the PPS (WRN) put forward the bold and by no means vague programme of' extensive ,,ha.nges in the sbcial and economic structure, proclaimed as the "Programme for •a People's Poland" in Spring 1941. Its essen1 ial demands became part of the common declaration of the Polish war-time underground coalition, published on Augu_st BibliotecaGino Bianco