Adam Ciolkosz - The expropriation of a socialist party

be controJled by the official leadership, have been frustrated. ~ot ~veO:11n individual 8oefa1ist pii°mphlct -iv-asaliowed ·to be pnblished. . :\Ioreover, there is no personal safety for a number of· prorninent comrades, who had been in tne forefront of tbe Party's 1mde1'ground struggle against the German invaders . .Assiduou~ searches to get hold of these comritdes were itensified in Feb- !·uary, March and April of this year, when their homes were s'everal times visited by the Secur.ity Police. The dividing line "The most serious origin~l mistakes of the old PPS are: the hostile attitude to the Sovjet Union and to the united working ~lass front" - wrote Mr. Szwalbe, after having already conclu<lf!clthe "agreement" with Znla:wski, as a leader and re.pre- ~entatfve of that "old" PPS .. The attitude of the PPS. to the Soviet Union was first and fnremost the result of Soviet Russia's attitude to the problem of Pola'ncl independence. In the period of the Nazi-Soviet Treaty ol' amity, the attitnde of the PPS to the USSR was the 'only one possible for a movement worthy the name of Socialists, democrats and Poles. Besides, in this respect there was no difference l)rtween the PPS and the democratic Socialists of the whole world. The defence of the Eastern half of Poland against its an·.: r:exation b.v the USSR was the duty of tl;e PPS. They do not deny this _fac"tand they are not ashamed of it. 'l'hey did not ask for 'an inch of Soviet territory. Theyi asked that the will of the local population, international freaties and obligations and the Atlantic CJ.iarter should be respected- 'l'he present situation, in ,\'hicl:i, after the amput-ation of the Eastern part of Poland, ber territoriaf gain ts in the West up to- the Rivers Oeler and Western );eisse are stiJI being questioned (although they· compensate only half o_ftbe losses in the East) is another proof of how badly needed was this defence. 'fhe accusation of refusal to form a united front with tbe C'orrimtrnists i1~the pa~t is equally t;pjustified: Is it suggested, for example, that the ,PPS should, have' created such a united front with the Communists in 1932, at the moment when they ,yere asking for1 Polish Pomerania and tJpper Silesia to be given to Germany¥ Ho,v was t4_e PPS to form a united front with them, whe11, in 1937, the Comintern itself was cofupelled to disselve the Commnnist Party of Poland, as not worth a continued existence?· ' .· · 'rn fact, the differences, iiltbough not. openly expressed, lie elsewhere. 'The authentic PPS is and will rema"in faithful to the prin- -Ciples of democracy. Repudiating any_compromise ,vith Fascism, 8rmi-Fascism and totali"tarianism of any sort, the PPS believes in democratic institulions and abhors terrorism, police ·rule oYer wo.rkers and peasants, 'Gleichschaltung", etc.· as a means to achieve Socialism. 14 BibliotecaGino Bianco