Adam Ciolkosz - The expropriation of a socialist party

I' for t,h.e convicti,o,ns of .opponents - th.e Premier once mor~ re• peate,i;,e WJ;tN will be ,treated. exactly as tlie National ..1!1-megJrorces. fo the course of his ,further ,d,eclarations the Premier said, _a!I).91Jogther things: "Po yo1,1want to s~1k into ~he abyss 1 You can do so. You ,~ill get ·what you ·deserve. There will be no second amnesty"• When the .delegation remarked • that, after all, political activity has now been ~estarted by po-, lit-ical groups who, during the war, had been violently combatt-. ec).by the Premier's camp. The Prem.ier asked: "Which g~oups 1" Wh~n th!l delegation explained that •it ~eaut the Polish Peasant Pai·ty, t,h,e P~~.mier d~clared. that the Polish Peasant Par.ty is something quite different from the WRN. Iii the 'course of this whole talk with the delegation the Premi~r rather shouted ·than talked. In leaving, the delegation -left 2:utaw1Ski's letter on the Pre~ier's desk'." · · · A fu.rther consequence of zutawski's attempt to re-create an ii1depeni.lent Socialist Party, and the determination of the authorities t~ prevent this' from happening, was a resolution r,assed by the Prae3idium of the National Council of the .Home1.and·.(Krajowa Rada· Narodowa). It must be explained tha.t thi~ Coqncil is a body pretendi~g to act as a provisional Parliament o.rPoland. I,ts member~, ho\ve~er; are nominated and not elected; · 11ud their mandats may be a~·bitrarily withdrawn by the P1;ae- ~i~i1,1,nTi.he res~lution of this Praesidium, referred to ab·ove, ·as 111rnouncedby the Warsaw Radio on November 4th, 19~, stated th!l,t _the nee~ for a' d.iff~rentiatiori in de~ocratic; sociai, politicr.l programmes was fully met in ·the present pre-election p_hase life by the existing six political parties and that "a further diffe;·entiation of political opinion may cause an unusu- ;:;!Jydangerous pre-eminence of 'Party discord in regard to- the National's joint ai~s ''. This resol~tion ·was equivalent to a ban on any other ·political party, even "democratic and anti-Nazi" . . In the' meantime, signa,tories of the document concerning t)1e crea,1:,ionof the Polish .Social-Democratic Party were subjected to interrogation by the Security Police; nearly all of them. were even arrested and all of them were warned against undertaking any "illegal" activities ..Thus, contrary to obligation~ acc~~ted by the Polish Provisional Government at Potsdam, t.lie authentic Par_ty ·of Polish Socialism has, in fact, been out- ·1a~ved·· · · ' · · . ' A ntw agreement broken ·- .. '- _;,. ·- ... :.Ufic\erthe circumstanc~s, iulawski undertooJ;: ye,t '.1.no_th,er nt;tem~,t;,~o break .the new d.;e!l~lock.As a ·result of ;enew:~d ;up ' _gotia,tions bet"l)'e,ei_hi .in and Mr. Sr;wal~e, Chairman of .~heSup- \C~e pouncil of. ~k Osubk~-Moi:awski'.s pa_r.ty, .a new a~r~e.: rnent was reached. Giving effect to this agreemen_t, Zgla, P,ublis}i._edon _qecember ,23rd, 1945, an ap_peal invi~ing m_embers _of,the \J,Uthe.nticPPS to join individ.ually t~e "official" Pa,rty: Very so~,n, _h.owever,it bec_a'me·evi'Clen,tthat )vhi(e ·tula_wsJ.;:iwas ,f.a_it\1fnlly ca17yin_g ,?,11,I; .t,l1~P.t'<n•_isionosf t,he-~_greeni~11t, thr, ot,her rarty did not. consider themselves in tlic least hound by it. Zn• 10, BibliotecaGino Bianco