Il piccolo Hans - anno XVI - n. 64 - inverno 1989-1990

touràloup with us in this Aludin's Cove of our cagacity is that bright soandsuch to slip us the dinkum oil? Naysayers we know. To conclude purely negatively from the positive absence of politica! odia and monetary requests that its page cannot ever have been a penproduct of a man or woman of that period or those parts is only one more unlookedfor conclusion leaped at, being tantamount to inferring from the nonpresence of inverted commas (sometimes èalled quotation marks) or any page that its author was always constitutionally incapable of misappropriating the spoken words of others. Luckily there is another cant to the questy. Has any fellow, of the dirne a dozen type, it might with some profit some dull evening quietly be hinted - has any usual sort of omery josser, flatchested fortyish, faintly flatulent and given to ratiocination by syncopation in the elucidation of complications, of his greatest Fung Yang dynasdescendanced, only another the son of, in fact, ever looked sufficiently longly at a quite everydaylooking stamped addressed envelope? Admittedly it is an outer husk: its face, in all its featureful perfection of imperfection, is its fortune: it exhibits only the civil or military clothing of whatever passionpallid nudity or plaguepurple nakedness may happen to tuck itself under its flap. Yet to concentrate solely on the literal sense or even the psychological content of any document to the sore neglect of the enveloping facts themselves circumstantiating it is just as hurtful to sound sense (and let it be added to the truest taste) as were some fellow in the act of perhaps getting an intro from 88