Il piccolo Hans - anno XIV - n. 54 - estate 1987

Personally of course I regret everything. Nota word, nota deed, nota thoug ht, nota need, nota grief, nota joy, nota giri, nota boy, nota doubt, nota trust, nota scorn, nota lust, nota hope, not a fear, nota smile, nota tear, nota name, nota face, no time, no place, than I do no regrt:!t, exceedingly. [Si notino le scansioni ritmic he e la cantilena delle rime] An ordure, from beginning to end.[...] The crocuses and the larc h turning green every year a week before the others and the pastures red with uneaten s heep's placentas and the long summer days and the new mown hay and the wood-pigeon in the morning and the cuckoo in the afternoon and the corncrake in the evening and the wasps in the jam. [Si ricordi, per inciso il passo dell'Ecclesiaste (10,1): «Muscae morientes perdunt suavitatem unguenti»] and the smell of the gorse and the look of the gorse and the apples falling and the c hildren walking in the dead leaves and the lurc h turning brown a week before the others and the c hestnuts falling and the howling winds anc he the sea breaking over the pier and the firstfires and the hooves on the road and the consumptive postman w histling The Roses Are Blooming in Picardy and the standard oillamp and of course the snow and to be sure the sleet and bless your heartthe slus h and every fourth year the February débacle and the endless April s howers and the crocuses and then the w hole bloody business starting all over again. A turd.20 «A turd». La vita c he si propone, si ripropone, incontaminata e tediosa, nella quale l'essere individuale tenta vanamente di sortire dal suo carcere di tossine per disperdervisi, affascinato e annoiato dai suoi ritmi c he sembrerebbero trascenderlo e c he invece lo afferrano, gli si radicano addosso, lo deteriorano. La casa del signor Knottne è la metafora estrema: in essa vi è sempre tanto da fare - «thatis w hatis so exquisite» [e ciò è così squisito] - c he 131