Il piccolo Hans - anno XIII - n. 51/52 - lug./dic. 1986

«HORN. The various lights under which a horn may be looked at have given rise to a vast number of words in language. It may be regarded as a projection, a climax, a badge of strength, power or vigour, a tapering body, a spiral, a wacy object, a bow, a vessel to hold withal or to drink from, a smooth hard materiai not brittle, stony, metallic or wooden, something sprouting up, something to thrust or push with». (E.D., 1863, 4) E dalla parola isolata al «word-grouping» e al «lettering» come metodo e passione dell'albero genealogico, nelle sue radici e proliferazioni fonetiche e letterali: «Horn-kernel-franum-grain-corn-corona-crown-(raven)-craven-crane-heron-herne- on the other hand the derivation of granum-grain may be referred to the head. Grind-gride-gird-grit-groat-grate-kpoveiv-crush-crash-kpoteiv... the groats or crumbs, like fragmentum from frangere... crumb-crumble perhaps akin... greet-grief-gruff vith a sound as of two things rubbing together. GR common to them all representing a particular sound. Cf. crack-creak-croak-crake-graculus-crackle. These must be onomatopeic...». Parole come corpi forgiati contro l'attrito dell'aria e nel «thick weight of matter»; singole note tonali oppure pennellate brevi e nette con cui dar voce e forma ai singoli oggetti e ricomporli armonicamente nel coro della memoria: «Mems: The opposiie sunset. The barrow clouds. The valves. The rail. Mallowy. Peace. Valved eyes. Bats' wings and images. Lobes of leaf. Theory of trees. Temper in art.» (E.D., 1865, 65) o con cui rincorrere e fissare,. attraverso i palpiti anche minimali della lettera, come in un fotogramma, catene di immagini e di oggetti: 48 «gulf-gOlf-gUlP-gulA ...hole-helL-(the holloW hell)­ SKUll-sHell-hull... drill-Trill-tHrill-NOStril-nEsE-