Petr Kropotkin - Law and authority

6 They see a race of la,w-makers -legislating without knowing _ whiu; their laws are about; to-day yoting a. law on the sanita- .. tion of towns, without the faintest notion of hygiene, to-morrow,·&~ making regulations for the armame~t of troops, without so . much as understanding a gun ; making about teachii1g· and education without ever having given a lesson of any sort 1 or even an honest education to their own children; legislating at random in all direlctions, but never forgetting the penalties to be meted out to ragamuffins, the prison and the galleys, which are to be the portion of men a. thousand times less im-' moral than these legislators themselves. Finally, they see the gaoler on the way to lose al! human feeling, the detective trained as a blood-hound, the police spy despising himself; " informing," -metamorphosed into a, virtue; corruption, erected into a system ; all the vices, all the evil qualities of mankind countenanced an<l cultivated to insure '\. the triumph of law. All this we see, and, therefore, instead of inanely repeating the old form11la, "Respect the law," we sa.y, '' Despise law an<l. all it.s attributes I" In place of the cowavdly phrase, "Obey the law," our cry is "Revolt against all laws!" Only compare the misdeeds accomplished in the name of each law, .with the good it has been able to effect, and weigh carefully both good and evil, and you will see if we are right. Bfblioteca Gino Bianco