Petr Kropotkin - Law and authority

.. . , ,. POPULARPAMPHLETSBY NOTABLEMEN. Rights of Labour, to John Ruskin. 2d. Evolution and Revolution. By E. Reclus. 2d. War! By P. Kropotkin. 2d. Modern Science. By Leo Tolstoy. 2d. Manifesto of the Communist Party. By Marx: and Engels. 3d. Law and Authority. By P. Kr~pot-kin. 3d. The Place of Anarchism in Socialistic Evolution. By·P. Kr0potkin. 2d. Sociali'st Catechism. By J. L. Joynes. 2d. Appeal to the Young. By P. Kropotkin. 2d. LONDON WILLIAM REEVES, 83 (HARING CROSS ROAD,W.C. Brbhoteca Gino Bianco