William Morris - Chants for socialists

13 THE MESSAGE OF THE MARCH WIND. ---o--- FAIR now is the Rpringtide, and earth lies beholding With the eyes of a lover the face of the sun ; Long lasteth the daylight, and hope is enfolding ·, The green growing acres with increase begun. Now sweet, sweet it iH through the land to be straying 'Mid the birds and the blossoms and the beasts o[ the field ; Love mingles with love, and no evil is weighing On thy heart or mine where all sorrow is healed. From township to tewnship, o'er down and by tillage Fair, far have we wandered and long was the day, But now cometh eve at the end of the village, . , , Where over the grey wall the church riseth grey. There is wind in the twilight; in the w;hite ("Oad)>e"OJ"ues . The ·straw from the ox'.yard is blowing.about-; · The moon's rim is rising, a star,glitters,o'er-us,~ · , And the vane on the spire-top is swinging in doubt. Down there dips the highway, toward the br~dge crossing over The brook that runs on to the The.mes and the Sil&·· Draw closer, my sweet, _weare lover and l~yer; " · This eve art thou given to gh,dness and me. • Shall we be glad always 1 Come closer and hearken : Three fields further on, as they told me down there,:' ·, When the young moon has set, if the .M:~rchsky should darken, We might see from the.hill-top the g.reat city's gla're. . . . ( Bib ioteca Gino Bianco