William Morris - Chants for socialists

CHANTS l'OR SOCIALISTS. Many a hundred years passed over have they laboured deaf and blind; ' Never tidings reached their sorrow, never hope their toil might find. Nbw at last they've heard and hear it, and the cry comes down the wind, And their feet are marching on. 0 ye rich _ru':ln hear and tremble ! for with words the sound is rife: "Once for you and death we labeured ; changed henceforward is the strife. We are men and we shall battle for the world of men and life: And our host is marching ou " Hark the rolling, etc. "Is it war then 1 Will ye perish a.s the dry wood in the fire 1 Is it peace 1 'fhen be ye of us, let your hope be our desire. Come and live ! for life awaketh, and the world shall never tire; And hope is marching on." " On we march then, we the workers, and the rumour that ye hear Is the blended sound of battle and deliv'rance drawing near; For the hope of every creature is the banner that we bear, Bib ioteca Gino Bianco And the world is marching on." Hark the rolling of the thunder ! Lo the sun ! and lo thereunder Riseth wrath, and hope, and wonder, And the host comes marching on.