Volontà - anno II - n.10-11 - 1 aprile 1948

Thcr li\<' in othcr young men o kinA: .a! t,".~.•i vkmw i11 ultri giol}(l11i, o re! They live in brolhcrs again ready to dcfy you, E.•si 11ivQ/W 11ei /rfllelli tli1111ovopro111i Cl sfitl(lrvi, They werc µurified by death,_ they wcrc taught and cx~1·:1hed. E.•.•i /111 purificali la morii>. fo morte /'!u, ,-,ducllti NI estiltMi. _\ot. a gn.1,·e of thc murdcr'd fot· frccdom but gr·ows seèd for frccfiom. in i1,_ lurt1 to bear sccd. \011 111111 10111/m ,Jell'11cciM1 ,,n lr, lib,-,rt•i nw cr,.,.<<"e il sem,, di fibef1ù eh,, " .~,w 1·ollu ,lflrù seme. \VJ1ieh thc winds <·arry :1far and 1·c-so,,' 1 a1ul the rains and thc .-:11ow noul"i,-h. (."/u• i re·111i 110r111,,Q fm,111110 e li risPmi11t11,o. " /,. 11ioggiP li 1111/r<mo e le ,,,..i-;_ \'ot a disembodicd spirit 1·an thc wcapon,: of Lyranl~ le! loosc, Vm,. 1mò 11110spirito i11corporeo /<1r cm/ere le ormi <1i tirmwi, But it stalks invisibly over thc c:utl1. whispcrìng, counseling. c.tulioniug·. ,1/u /11rli1;u c111111t1i11tf i11visibil,• sulfu /f'rrn, (' :su.ourrn e co11.<iglù, e 1m1111m1i.<t'l'. l.iberly, .lcl othcrs dcspairs of you - I nc,·er despafr o( you. l,il,l!r/tÌ. ,./,ri tli.,µe.ri11n di le - in 111t1i mm ,li.,11ern ili IP. l.a liw hou;:.c slml "? is thc master aw:iy'? /,11 w.w, è· d1i11st1? ~; il 11mlrmre lo,1fmw? Nc\'crtheless, be rcady, hl' noi ·wcary of wah.:hing. T111.uwir1. slt1 ull"erw. 11011 .<1r111car1i ,le/i(, 11111 vigil,111z11. lh· will soou rclurn. his mcssf'ngcrs came :111on. f:[!fi ttlr11erù pre.~10. e.eco t1,ri.m,w i .<oni m1>ssa1gf'ri. da j< LEAVES Of GRASS)), nlit. Valente. l\Ja('Milla11 . ."xl!w York, 1928. J)ag. 231/222. l'KEllllOM (i11 in~l<::Se) I.ONDR...\ (l'!!r abbonar~i i1n'iare L 400 allu 00~1ra 1\111minis1ra1.ione, C/C 6/197i2. Sa11oli). KllSISTlll\lCll (in inglese) \!!w \',ork . Coopl!r Stallon. Hox 2U8. \EW YORK 3. \'.Y .. U.S. of :\.. (Per ablxmarsi ri\•ol~er<i dire11;,me111,. al· I"•\mminii'trazione.