Volontà - anno II - n.10-11 - 1 aprile 1948

'J'he !-'copie scorn'd the fel'ocity of ki11g$. Jf Popolo crs,,rez.z.Q fo femcìo dei re. Bul the sweetness of mercy bl'ew'd bitter destrudion, ami 1hc fl'ighteu·d monnrchs come back, \fu fa ,lolcez.z.n del: perdonu distillò ,mu1ru diMr11z.io,ie, ed f!fTO lor11tm1J ;.:fim1m11ri1i · 11101111rcf1i Each come.s in siate with his traiu, hangman~ priest 1 lax-galherf'r. '"fvrna ciasc1mo af ii/1u Srnto, cu11 fo cor1e. il boifl. il /JrclP. il g11bl'/liere. Soldier, lawyer, lord, jailer, ancl sycophant. Jl .mltùito. /'111;1,ocnto. il signori', il cflrcl'riere; if ,,11rm~i111. Yct Lehind all lowcl'ing stealing, lo, a shapc. t:p 11 ure ,lietro n 1111to mùwccioSl• e sile11z.iosf1 ecco 1111"Dmf,r11. V1:1guc as thc nighl~ drapccl intcrminally. head. front ,llld fonn, in :!earlcl folcls, Vfl,i(I come fo 11ot,e. . ~ e11z.fl fi 11e ,ln,,,,,eggUl.t,, ftt 1e.,10 fo fronte In form" i11JJil'slu• ."Kflrlut1P. \Vhosc uamcs and cycs none muy scc, E 11ess111w rmò vederne il vi.so gli occl1i. Out ol its rQbes only this, thc rcd l"ObC'sliflcd hy 1he arm. f11or d(I{ sl,o mml/o solo (J11cs10. il mm1to rosso soll~t•mo do/ brr1ccio. One1fi11gcr crook'd poinLed high O\CI: tl1e top, likc a hcud or .:t snukc .:q,pc_ar~. {/11, tli10 nd1111co ,,ppare, 1,u111oto0l10 so11r,1 il cielu. come 111111 test(! ,li serve111e. i\'Ieanwhile corpses lic in ncw-madc grnvcs, bloody cOl"pscs or youn~ men, lutmuo .<tilme giaccio110 iii 111wve tombe. gio1;u11i corpi i11~r111j1.11Ì1rnli. The ropc_ of thc gibbct hangs ht•;.1\'ily, thc bullc1s of princ-cs are flyin:.:-. the t'rcatures of power laugh aloucl, l.11 corda <lella forca 1ie11de pes,111teme111c. volono i 11roiet1ili tff'i pri1wi11i. le crPr1turP del ,,oiere rido11D forte • .Ancl all thesc things bear fruits, ancl they :tl"c goofl. E tufi" q11cs1e cose porla,10 /rulli. e .<o,i brw11i fr1111i. Tlicsc 1.·orpses of young me11, Queste .,(dme di gio1,<fmi, Tliosc martyrs thai lrnng from tlu· gihbe1s. thosc heans picre·d by 1hc gra,·c lcacl, Q"ei martiri flfJpCsi ali-e Jorcl1P, t111ei cuori ITflJ)(ISS<lli &,l grigio viombo. Colei and motionlcss as thcy sccm li,·c clscwhcrc with unslaug:hter'd \"ilali1y. Freddi ('d immuti com·c.,si sembrmw pur l'Ìl:0110 flllro1·e tfim,i virnlità 11011 11w.d11r;rr11(1. 95