Il piccolo Hans - anno XIX - n. 73 - primavera 1992

Spencer, James (non pubbl.), "Borges' Stories and the Theory of Fetishism: Implications for Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism". Presentato all'Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Psychoanalysis and Literature, Spring 1988. Stevens, Wallace (1966), Letters, Holly Stevens, ed., New York, Knopf. Stevens, Wallace (1982), The Collected Poems, New York, Vintage Books. Stewart, Walter (1970), "The Split in the Ego and the Mechanism of Disavowal", «The Psychoanalytic Quarterly», 39,1, pp. 1-16. Vendler, Helen (1986), Wallace Stevens: Words Chosen Out o/Desire, Cambridge, Harvard University Press. Walker, David (1984), The Transparent Lyric, Princeton, Princeton University Press. Zavitzianos, George (1983), Les fétiches de la phase phallique, «Revue Française de Psychanalyse», 47,1, pp. 425-430. Zavitzianos, George (1983), Intervention, «R.F.P.», 47,1, pp. 469-470. 147