Aldous Huxley - What are you going to do about it?

should have power to evoke a response even among the enemies of those who are so behaving, is a most reassuring reminder that all men are at one in a pro• foun'd spiritual unity. Non-violent resistance can be successfully undertaken only by trained troops. In a later paragraph the nature of this training required and the functions of these soldiers of peace will be discussed. From this description of non-violence it must be fairly obvious that non-violent resistance cannot be used to any considerable extent in modem war, which is waged almost exclusively by means of long-range weapons inflicting indiscriminate destruction. Once war has broken out, pacifists are almost helpless. Therefore it must be prevented from breaking out. But it can only be prevented from breaking out if at least one government of an important sovereign state chooses to act pacifistically towards its neighbours. The practical task before pacifists in this country is to persuade the government to act pacifistically towards other governments. In later sections we shall discuss, first, the sort of policy that a government determined to prevent an outbreak of war should pursue (section X); second, the means by which individual pacifists should seek to induce their government to adopt such a policy (section XII). VIII "The Church does not condemn war," says an orthodox heckler. "Why am I expected to be more pacifist than the bishops?" The Church does not condemn war; but Jesus did condemn it. Moreover the Christians who lived during the first three centuries of our era not only believed that Jesus had condemned war, but themselves re• peated the condemnation in_more specific terms. Here it is possible to give only the briefest summary of the historical evidence. Those who wish to study this 17 Bibhoteca Giro Bianco