LIBERTYPUBLICATIONS Slavery Under Hitler's New Order (Out of Print) 1d. Underground Poland Speaks 1d. A Worker's Day under German Occupation 1d. Stop Them Now (Out of Print) 1d. Unknown Europe (Out of Print) ..... 3d. Worker's Protective Legislation in Poland 3d. Towards a New Poland 1d. German Atrocities-Labour's Protest 3d. The Case of Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter 1d. Justice Outlawed 3d. Polish Labour Underground Press 3d. Socialists and Poland 3d. Camp of Death 3d. Gdynia (Out of Print) 1s. How Warsaw Fell 1d. Democratic Poland Answers 3d. The Labour Movement and the Polish Cause 3d. The Moscow Trial of the 16 Polish Leaders The Expropriation of a Socialist Party (The Present Situation of the Socialist Movement in Poland) 3d. Memorandum of the Polish Socialist and Workers' Organisations Abroad 3d. Appearing shortly: "63 DAYS" The full story of the Warsaw Rising (with 72 illustrations and 2 maps) Price 3/6 DEMOCRATIC PRESS AND LIBERTY PUBLICATIONS LTD. 8, MOTCOMB STREET, LONDON, S.W.l Fondazione Affr.ed ~ff Sil?Ji9tec~ 9ino Bmµeq Biblioteca Gino Bianco