Liston M. Oak, a prominent Socialist writer and Managing Editor of the New York weekly, The New Leader, which is devoted to Social Democracy, went to Poland to observe and to report on the elect~onswhich took place on January 19th, 1947. His observa'tions appeared in a series of articles in the American New Leader of February 15th and 22nd, 1947. In order to acquaint Socialist readers and students of international affairs in this country with these important articles, Democratic Press and Liberty Publications have undertaken to reprint them in full. They have also reproduced the editorial of The New Leader of February 15th, 1947, which introduced the series. It seemed to the Publishers that the full text of two speeches delivered in the newly-elected Polish P.arliament by M. Zygmunt Zulawski, whom Liston M. Oak calls " one of the truly great figures of European Socialism," may constitute a valuable supplement to Mr. Oak's articles. The Publishers wish to express their gratitude- to Mr. J. S. Middleton, former Secretary of the British Labour Party, who has kindly agreed to introduce this pamphlet to the British Labour Public. May they now form their own judgment. Biblioteca Gino Bianco THE PUBLISHERS. Fondazione Alfred Lewift Biblioteca Gino Bianco -------·.·-·•· B.. •A~co Fondo Gino u:uJ; =