• WHO WERE ERLICH AND ALTER? BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES HENRYK ERLICH was born in Lublin, ~oland, in 1882. As a high-school youth in his tcens he jomed an underground Revolutionary Students' Organisation, one of those whose chicf goal was the liberation of Poland from the rule of Czarism. In 1902 hc was elected chairman of1his underground student organisation and, soon aftcr, his oratorica.11and literary rnlcnts secured for him a piace in the leadership of the entirc Socialist Movement in the old Russia. From 1902 until his arrest by the Russians in 1939, Erlich dc\'oted bis entirc !ife and enormous cnergies 10 the cause of the oppressed. In 190S he bccamc the theoretical guide and editor of thc Polish organ of the Generai Jcwish Workers· Union ·· Bund," ·· Nasze Haslo" ("' Our WJ1tchword"). From Naszc Ha~lo, afu:r sulfering arresi and exile, HENRYK ERLICH he went in 1912 10 edit the large Russian daily newspaper ·· Dien" (.. The Day"), while at the same time taking charge of the theoretical organ of the Generai Jcwish Workcrs' Union "Bund," ·· Di Caj1" (.. Time'"). Thc outbrcak ofthe World War of 1914 found him the editor of the Socialisl weekly ·· Yevreiskia Vesti·· (Jewish News). He was arrested for the firsi time in 1902 and again in the winter of 1904. Arrcsted on« more in 1909, he was exiled from Russia. Upon his Biblioteca Gino Bianco