Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

DEFENCE OF THE REVOLUTION. " Suppose your system is tried, would you have any means of defending the revolution? " you ask. Certainly. " Even by· armed force? " Yes, if necessary. "But armed force is organised violence. Didn't you say _Anarchismwas against it?" , Anarchism is opposed to any interference with your liberty, be it by· force and violence or by any other means, It is against all invasion and compulsion. But if any one attacks you, then· it is he who is invading y<;>uh, e who is employing violence against you. You have a right to defend yourself. More than that, it is your duty, as an Anarchist, to protect your liberty, to resist coercion and compulsion. Otherwise you are a slave, not a free man. In other words, the· social revolution will attack no one; but it will defend itself against invasion from any quarter. · · Besides,you must not confuse the social revolution with Anarchy. Revolution, in some of its stages, is a violent unh~val ; Anarchy is a social condition of freedom and peace. The revolution is the means of bringing Anarchy about but it is not Anarchy itself. It is to pave the road for Anarchy, to establish conditions which will make a life of liberty possible. · But to achieve its purpose the revolution must be imbued with and directed by the Anarchist spirit and ideas. The end shapes the means, just as the tool you use must be fit to do· the work you want to accomplish. That is to say, the social revolution must be Anarchistic in method as in aim. Revolutiopary defence must be in consonance with this spirit. Self-defence excludes all acts of coercion, of persecution or revenge. It is concerned only with repelling attack and depriving the enemy of opportunity to invade you. · " How would you repel foreign invasion? " By the strength of the re_volution. In what does that strength consist? First and foremost, in the support of the people, in the devotion of the industrial and agricultural- masses. If they feel that they themselves •ai:e making the revolution, that they have become the masters of their lives, that they have gained freedom and are building up their welfare, then in that very sentiment you 98 Biblioteca G no Bianco