Volontà - anno XII - n.10 - ottobre 1959

~d 0}11 ht!e:r: tr='~a ~!'' kr.cwnr.o thi '\S but tho horrors ot tr-ar. Wheo he e3oap,ed to '!"miaia he MlB jusi; on4i or 130,000 J..l~fo:rio.n nt\.1S9e:,, mn:; ot thtn ou.fttrUIB trom in~ucy and dis– eaae, pouun1Q6 11c th1%J6but th~ clothee tha7 WOH, 30,000 of the3t refl.l6t•• aH orphAn3 or hovt beco:M attprat..ed tro:\ tht1r J)41,renta ~w-uia: tbe nr. thmdrfldt or tc,a M"t dying rroc h~r and exposuH. ~i~;:.1:r·1~: 0 ~~untrrt~!!:t1~ • :~;~o~~!•fu"i~!in !: ~~te~ ~;. t~~r,~::t. coun,riu ie deepora.tdy noe4od, n:wi:m.UOIUL VOLU'll'?ART !1BRVlCE (lalon 1n .>tbor COWITI'iOI .. S'E..'tVICL ~!! 1 ~ei~!a~~~!~~J1.: :~: 1 h 1 i:1 ~ ~~:;e;.:;~~ ; r~~,,.~~d 'boy:i, !roJ:1. 5 to 10 1can -old. ~~y .: 1 g~~o~~~:- J t r:::::v: 1 !ir 1 ~, ::!.~" 0J 0 :!c~1 i arti!; COC6s !('013 001.ng cared tor. Ou.r S..13A bronch Ma rai .. d enol.l&h t~• to ato.rt tb1a wor:t, but iaore Co~~ ~ ukip 1 J1=!; ~~=d:: ;!~~~:1~• ;'t.~~ i~r t~hObll u=?!p o~n, . ono. ch1ld !'o:- f. CIODth, l'ha~ aand u.a H n\lCh 1U you l)08111blr C&D fl2!&. ;,·J;..:.;;.,·l.4i&10: lil;.i-:.tio;.i Voi~-i;ry&J~ioe, '1i, ·~1cia; 5q:ia;..: · London, N.11.1. !1.!ni:~:;, c~au.:.{rS:!'t:l~"r !or , , •,., •, •• , •• , 3S a donation t~ , .\ddNaa,, , , , lb.te ,, ••••••••••••••• Facsimile di un manifestin.o in inglese a cura dcli.o Cl, cl'i11vito a raccogliere /011di per i pro/11gl1i algerini in Tunisia. Nella pagi,rn cli fronte la trndu:ione e un appello cli V. ai lettori italiani. 598