RE NUDO - Anno III - n. 14 - settebre 1972

Jl·MI PLAYS BERKLEY + CHIC KENSHACr< LIVE I altre sorprese! gJovedJ· 21 se·ttentbre al velodromo Vi9()r-e1J i E 1000 alt'ingresso preve11dita al centro di contro cultura di via maroncelli 14 fer maota mm garibaldi a f: 800 riservato ai soci del centro Hey english speaking brothers and sisters, read on who we are and what we want: no-one in the lett-wing parties or the revolutionary groups that operate in ltaly is into alternative culture. RENUDO is trying to fili in this space, as we possibly can. Achange in lifestyle is basic tor a social revolution to be succesful. violence or non-violence: we believe the theorisation ot non-violence as a philosophy to be a luxury. lt's not the main problem, that ofthe use ot many tor the benefit ot tew is more important A non-spectacular way to help women liberate themselves (it they want help): too many ot us tace up te WL only on a theoretic level, we bhink that, since WL takes up the issue true male revolutionaries should start decolo– nisation in everyday life; Women are not sexual objects, they are not 'the other halff' secretary or housewite as the case may be. they can be talked to directly and should always be brought into whatever may be the vibration we spent a hell ot money and energy organising a rock-in, live-in at zerbo last june 16-17-18 .we lest out financially but started a ball rolling, so to say the anti-army / NATO / atom bomb etc. walk trom trieste to aviano took piace last august 4. via loti 17SETT-DOM. POOH 23-24 s ET T.SAB;DOM;GROSSA SORPRESA. 30s nT /1 OTTBILLY GRAY(EXTR1PT 7-8oTT;BALLETTO DI BRONZO 14 15oT~-BOTTEGA DEL FABBRO ~: .. , .. /\:-··· trattoria due 1·uote via cesare da sesto Tel. 8390588 1°, 2°, contorno, vino, coperti e servizio L. I.000 Per pranzi, banchetti, feste scolastiche~ prezzi da concordare. Saletta pri\ata.