Petr Kropotkin - The State : its historic role

FREEDOMPRESS PUBLICATIONS KROPOTKIN-Selectioronms his Writings Chosenby Ilerbert Read This volume, published on the occasion of the centenary of Kropotkin's birth, contains fifty-five selections from his writings covering a wide range of subjects each of which is discussed with the erudition and sincerity typical of Kropotkin the man of science and the revolutionary. The first part Autobiographical gives a vivid picture of Kropotkin'• life froID childhood to the time of his escape from the famous Peter and Paul fortress. The second part Historical contains selections ranging from biographical sketches of Marat, Robespierre, Turguenefl' and Bakunin to essays on Primitive Man, the Medieval Guilds and the Commune. The third part Economic and Political deals with Production and Consumption, Agriculture and Industry, the Problems of Crime, Anarchism, etc. The fourth part Philosophical includes selections from l\lutual Aid and Ethics, two of Kropotkin's most important works, and the concluding section is on Art and Society. 152 pages. Demy Bvo. cloth 8s. 6d., paper 2s. 6d, (postage 6d.) REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT In this essay Kropotkin shows b0 y historical examples tl1e impossibility of creating any Government that will aet in the interest of revolutionary principles, that is, to transfer power and property to the masses. Only the collectin work of the D1Bsses of the people in their own free associatiODS ean achieve and D1Bintain a real revolution. A new and revised edition with a publisher's po,tscript. 16 pages. Denty Bvo. 3d. (postage Id.) THE WAGESYSTEM This pamphlet is a chapter from Kropotkin's Conquest of Bread. It clearly and concisely destroys the learned l\larxian theories which try to demonstrate that there can be a wage system based on justice. Kropotkin shows that the wage system always exists in a class society, and that its abolition would mean the destruction of classes and therefore of the state. 24 pages Demy Bvo. 3d, (postage Id.) Read also :-MUTUALAIDANDSOCIAELVOLUTION by John llewetson This pamphlet takes as its starting point the relevance of Kropotkin's conception of Mutual Aid as a factor in evoln• lion to the development of human society. Darwin's theory of Natural Selection, and the various conflicting interpreta• lions which have been erected upon it, are here seen in the light of capitalist, socialist and revolutionary ideologies, Evidence accumulated by anthropologists since Kropotkin's time confirms his conclusions regarding mutual aid, and shows his Anarchist conceptions to have been firmly growided in fact. 24 pages Demy 8vo. 1/- (postage 2d.) 27 RedLionStreet,London,W.C.l.