Adam Ciolkosz - The expropriation of a socialist party

fawski was refused the possibility of publishing an article in the official "Robotnik" and was eventually able to publish it only in a provincial weekly. In this article Zulawski, ivhile stressing that ~olida1·ity and unity are t)!e greatest assets of the working class, declared: "But just as :( did not alter my co11victio11about the need cf solidarity, so I did not alter it witl1 regard to the need of de- !nocracy and freedom either. Just as I fought for them during the period of Poland's partitions, 1./S I claimed them when they were being jeopardised <luring the regime of Pilsudski and the Camp of National l.inity, so to-day 1 consider them to be one of the fundamental conditions of life in the liberated State. It 1~ou,ldbe a grave mistafrn for anyone to believe that, after more '.han forty years {spent in.public life), I could change my opinions on this problem, - and it would be. a gravei: mistake still for anyone to try to ;mpose stich a change on me, C(intrary to w,hat has always be~n my creed·" I.ndeed, Zulawski never concealed the differences existing between him and :Messrs. Szwalbe and Osubka-Morawski, particurly 01;1 the question of democracy, freedom of expression, free elections, etc- etc. 'rhe 'problem was whether he would be 11 llowed "to voice and advocate these opinions within the "official" PPS, which was to be the test of. that Party's internal democracy. The ~i-eement between hil)l and Mr. Szwalbe was concluded on the assumption that he would. The course of events proved, the contrary. Soo11after the conclusion of the agreement, Mr. Szwalbe published three articles in the ,v arsaw "Robotnik", violently attacking the PPS for its activities both before and during the war. Contrary to any s_pirit of understanding and good will, Mr. Szwalbe declared that "the activities of the WRN during the occupation must be considered politically mistaken and, moreover, ex:tl'emely harmful." "The re-born .PPS - wrote Mr. Szwalbe' - repudiates absolutely and completely the WRN". ·"fhe reborn PPS is not a continuation, but a negation of_the, ,vRN". ',l'b.emost striking proof of the real intentions of. the "official "Party came during the last session of the Supreme C:mncil ef the "official" PPS (a body including about 120 persons), held on March 31st and April 1st, 1946. Contrnry to the provisions of the agreement, the Supreme CoUJ1cilof the "official" Party co.opted only haU of the agreed member of Zulawski 's political friends. Moreover, during the same Session the true p11rpcse of the agreement, as far as the lead·ership of the "official" Party was eoncemed, wa~ bluntly revealed by Mr. Osubka-Morawski when he declared: ,"We have lately admitted into the Party a group of comrades, because we wanted to put an end to the rumours that there are other Socialists, members of the PPS, that there is •mother SocialiRt Partr in Poland. ,ve wanted to put an end to this legend, Ro that onr friends in the ,vest contd not Ray anr longer that there is a second P9lish Socialist Party." 11 BiblrotecaGino Bianco