Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

A.B.C. OF ANARCHISM gorge thems~lves while you go hungry, you would demand a chance to eat, and you would be perfectly right in that. · And so would every one else, which means that people would not stand for any one hogging all the good things of life : they would want to share in them. It means further that the poor would refuse to stay poor while others wallow in luxury. It means that the worker will decline to give up his product to the boss who claims to "own " the factory and everything that is made there. It means that the farmer 'will not permit thousands of acres to lie idle while he has not enough soil to support himself and family. It means that no one will be permitted to monopolise the land or the machinery of production. It means that the private ownership of the sources of life will not be tolerated any more. It will be considered the greatest crime for some to own more than they can use in a dozen ljfetimes, while their neighbours have not enough bread for their . children. It means that all men will share in the social ~vealth, and that all will help to produce that wealth. · It means, in short, that for the first time in history right, justice and equality would triumph instead of law. You sec therefore that doing away with government also signifies the abolition of monopoly and of personal ownership of the me_ans of production and distribution. It follows that when government is abolished, wage slavery and capitalism must also go with it, because they cannot exist without the support and protection of government. Just as the man who would claim a monopoly of the island, of which I spoke before, could not put through his crazy claim without the help of government. . Such a condition of things where there would be liberty instead of government would be Anarchy. And where equality of use ,would take the place of private ownership, would be Communism. It would be Communist Anarchism. " Oh, Communism," your friend exclaims, " but you said you were not a Bolshevik ! " No, I am not a Bolshevik, because the Bolsheviki want a powerful government or state, while Anarchism means doing away with the State or government altogether. "But are not the Bdlsheviki Communists ? " you demand. Yes, the Bolsheviki are CQmmunists, but they want their dictator-. ship; their government, to compel people to live in Communism. Anarchist Communism, on the contrary, means voluntary Communism, Communism from free choice. " I see the -difference. It would be fine, of course," your friend admits. "But do you really think it possible ? " 20 Biblioteca Gmo Bianco