Alexander Berkman - ABC of anarchism

SOME BOOKS ON ANARCHISM The Conquest of Bread, Peter Kropotkin. Fields, Factories and Workshops, Peter Kropotkin. Mutual Aid, PeJer Kropotkin. The Gr_eatFrench Re.volution, Peter Kropotkin. ·*·Modern Science and An'archism,' Peter Kropotkin. The State: Its Historic Role, Peter Kropotkin. Law and Authority, Peter Kropotkin. * T_heWage System, Peter Kropotkin. Anarchist Communism, Basis and Priwciples, Peter Kropotkin. The Place of Ariarc~ism in Socialistic Evolution, Peter Kropotkin. * Revolution-ary Government, Peter Kropotkin. An Appeal to the Young, Peter Kropotkin. Kropotkin's Revolutiona:ry Pamphlets. * God and the State, Michael Bakunin. Evolution and Revolution, Elisee Redus. An Anarchist on Anarchy, Elisee Redus. * Anarchy, E. Malatesta. A Talk, Between Two Workers, E. Malatesta. An·archism and Other· Essays, Emma Goldman. * Anarchism, Whai It Really Stands For, Emma Goldman. Anarchism, Its Philosophy and Scientific ·Basis, Albert Parsons. Autobiography: Speech iw Court, Notes, Letters, Etc., Albert Parsons. The Life of Albert Parso-ns, Lucy. Parsons. Speech~s of the Chicago Martyrs. 104 B1blioteca Gino Bianco